While you may be familiar with an insurance claim adjuster, you may not realize that policyholder-specific assistance is available from a public adjuster. Insurance company claims adjusters are trained professionals who evaluate claims and decide how much money a covered insurance loss or property damage is worth – from the insurance company’s perspective. A public adjuster is identical with one exception: a public insurance adjuster represents YOU with a goal of obtaining a fair settlement from YOUR PERSPECTIVE.
A public adjuster is the only type of insurance adjuster licensed by your state’s department of insurance to represent you – the policyholder – rather than the insurance company. A public adjuster is not paid up front; they receive a percentage of the settlement that they obtain on your behalf. This is regulated by your state’s department of insurance.
An experienced public adjuster works to:
If you want an efficient and fair settlement, an experienced public insurance adjuster is a must.
Our credentials, expertise, in-depth knowledge of the insurance claims process, and proven track record set us apart. Our public adjusters understand that insurance policies are difficult for most people to interpret. Whether you’ve recently experienced a loss, are working with your insurance company’s adjuster, have received a lower-than-expected settlement, or have found out that your claim has been denied, we can help.
A public adjuster from our firm:
How much is your claim really worth? Do you want a claim adjuster who is paid and employed by your insurance company to determine this value? Insurance Claim Consultants and its public adjusters serve as a powerful partner for you. We are here to help homeowners, business owners, and commercial property owners and property managers prepare, document, file, and negotiate settlements related to:
Having represented over policyholders and negotiated hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements – including tens of millions in increased settlements from reopened and denied claims – our record speaks for itself. Everything we do is centered on you, for you.
We’re always available. Contact us 24/7 to learn more about how a public adjuster may benefit your property damage claim. Or, learn more about our best insurance claim tips on our company’s YouTube channel.